Day 1 : Poetry for the Soul

2 min readOct 31, 2020


I received the entire collection of Adrienne Rich's poems as a birthday gift this year from a very dear friend. It is one of the most precious gifts I ever had and I am still searching for the right words to thank this friend. I have always been a fan of poetry. But it is quite unfortunate that I don't read poetry as often as I should. It is something that I am going to take seriously in the coming months and this gift found me at the right time.

Many of my friends say that they don't get poetry. I understand that feeling. Most of the times I am also uncertain that what I interpreted from the words is not what the poet intended. But still I continue reading poems for the moments of revelation. Sometimes it arrives like a most pleasant, but uninvited guest. You are not exactly looking forward to guests. But they come with your favorite sweets and have always been pleasant company. I read poems for such moments of joy. That moment when the words unravel in your consciousness revealing it's soul, is quite an enchanting experience. I wish everyone could experience that joy at least once in their lifetime.

If you always wanted to read poems and still unsure of where to start, I would recommend Mary Oliver with my whole heart. When you don't want to deal with bigger problems and want to appreciate the little things in your life more, her poems are the right place to start. When this pandemic ends and if I get to tell the tales of lock down to my grand kids, it is going to start with this poem by Mary Oliver.

Still, what I want in my life

is willing

to be dazzled--

To cast aside the weight of facts

And may be even

to float a little

above this difficult world

I want to believe I am looking

Into the white fire of a great mystery.

I want to believe that imperfections are nothing

that the light is everything- that it is more than the of each flawed blossom rising and fading .

And I do. Shouldn't we all?




Written by Chembarathi

Late diagnosed Autistic Person ~ In search of the stories I cannot hold in my heart

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