In the year 2024
I am choosing myself again and again
Despite being called selfish, numb and anti-social.
I choose to remain indoors if that is how I want to be,
And have deep conversations with people
on the internet over our shared miseries.
I am not letting anyone tell me that it is not "normal"
My "normal"is normal as anybody else's
And I am not allowing others to belittle mine,
even if I figure out my response a day, a week,
a month or even years later.
I grieve over the loss of friendships
that I thought would last forever
At the same time,
I no longer waste my limited energy on
maintaining shallow relationships.
I accept things, people, places and experiences
as ephemeral as they can be.
I let myself be myself,
even though I don't know what it means - maybe
remain as a kite that was let go of in the wind
as I once described myself to the therapist.