I have a stalker these days
In my 15 minutes exposure to the outside world
It's a ginger kitten, one who is
Well-fed, but not loved enough!
She follows me in my walks
Sometimes jumps and catches my legs
Sometimes makes me stumble
She does this until I stop my walking
Sit down in the middle of the small road
Pet her, scratch her until she starts purring.
I don't know how such beings find me
I have learned that my yearning for love is only matched by theirs, never with any human
We form bonds inexplicable to the outside world,
To the surprise and disappointment of their pet parents even!
They hear my voice or foot steps
They come running towards me
I thought miracles don't exist
And I have proven wrong in multiple occasions by such loving beings, never by humans though!
I have taken care of many humans, but never a pet
I don't seem to know much about how to care about them, but I do make them comfortable
And they seem to know that how much I need them in my lonely world.
A teeny bit of kindness from a stranger is always enough to make me cry
So imagine the way my heart explodes when I am loved and cared for by these beings!
And what if it's not from a human?
Who said it has to be from a human?
Reciprocative, unconditional love
That's what matters
My heart is full and I hope theirs too.
Let the world take away all the other things
But let me keep meeting such beings
To love and to be loved.