Sunny Days

2 min readDec 19, 2020

Photo by Priyanka

It is a tranquil afternoon. At home everybody settles for an afternoon nap and for a while there is stillness. I notice the soft warmth of the sun and wonder how many times it changes its nature over the course of the day. I haven't seen the rising sun after moving back home. By the time I rise, sun is already bright and shining. As much as I love the view of the sunrise and the positivity it brings to the day, there is still comfort in staying in bed and getting some sleep that eluded me in the previous night. These days I am beginning to choose comfort over everything else. Is it a sign of growing old?

In the morning when I sit down to write in my journal, I love the way sun rays plays inside my notebook. Sometimes it moves along with my hands, sometimes it moves ahead of me and finally it settles down in one place when I was about to finish. When I get busy with work, I track the intensity of the sun by looking at its reflection on the leaves of the money plant that I put just above my workdesk. Some days the plant says sun is a little harsher and some days it is just bubbly with all the warmth it received.

Then there are afternoons like this. A bit of yellowish rays with just the right kind of warmth. Two more hours and the sun will be winding up his day in all its glory. It's a long time since I saw a sunset in a beach. Whatever the state of the world may be, heart wants what it wants. Hope the day comes sooner.




Late diagnosed Autistic Person ~ In search of the stories I cannot hold in my heart