What are my feelings about 2020?

2 min readJan 1, 2021


I wanted to hate it like it is the worst year of my life. But is it really?

So many things have changed and the present life seems to be a lifetime apart from the life one year ago. Now I cannot just pack a bag and go to some place on a whim, no Friday night outs with friends, no movies, no bookfairs, birthday and new year's Eve were spent at home -- If I concentrate on these things, present life definitely seems to be dull. Yet it is an year I don't want to wipe away.

Slowing Down

It was an year that forced us to slow down. I never thought I would be moving back home with parents at any stage in my life. Yet I survived six months with them and finally learned that there is no point in holding back to old hurts.


A year that gave me enough time to read slowly, to go back to old favorites, to read and re-read same books without worrying about the count. I only hope that I can follow the same approach in 2021.


I always thought that writing is not something that is meant for me. 2020 made me change that identity. I get a greater sense of contentment whenever I am able to write down some thoughts.


Though I have had anxiety attacks in 2020, I was much more in control of my mental health. I managed to do morning pages and yoga almost every day. It really improved my mental health and this has finally led me to meditation. After many unsuccessful meditation attempts in the previous years, I am finally able to meditate for the past four months. It is something I am planning to continue in 2021 as well.


Staying home has helped me to be really mindful about the money. I have let go of the scarcity mindset and it has made a greater impact on my mental health.

I hope I can continue all the things I started in 2020. Other than that I don’t have many expectations about 2021.




Written by Chembarathi

Late diagnosed Autistic Person ~ In search of the stories I cannot hold in my heart

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