What was your favorite toy as a child?
I wonder how many of you had to think for a long time to answer this question. My inability to identify a favourite toy is not because I am spoilt for choices. On the contrary, I do not remember owning a toy in my childhood. I hope that's not the case with the majority.
After taking an effort in getting rid of the cobwebs out of my mind, I realized that I had a tricycle. Although I am not sure if I had been fond of it. Memory is tricky. It sometimes makes us view the past with a rose-tinted spectacle and sometimes there is only plain indifference. I hope I had ridden the tricycle enough times. But I cannot remember even one instance to save my life.
I should say that the lack of toys did not mean that I never had fun. One of the earliest memories I have is playing with a friend and asking him to look into the small holes carved by the pit elephants to find angels. Imagination, I certainly had. And when you have that, the most entertaining thing to do is weave the stories in your mind. I still prefer spending much time in my head and do not feel ashamed of it. Some of us never had toys and that taught us how to entertain ourselves.