When does middle age start?

2 min readAug 20, 2021


Midlife crisis is a term people of my generation like to throw away in every conversation without much thought. When I was in my 20s, I thought that was middle age. Now that I am near my mid-30s, this is middle age for me. So whenever people in their 20s say that they are going through a midlife crisis, I act like any other annoying adult by belittling their struggles.

Last week a fresher in my team came to me with her "midlife crisis". One of the rare blessings of having a full-time job is the opportunity to connect with young people. I do love occasional long conversations about their fears, doubts and concerns. It reminds me of the clueless person I was at their age. I don't claim to be having my life sorted out even now. But these kinds of conversations make me realize that how far I have travelled even though I feel stuck on most days.

Our girl is just out of college and started working this year only. When she said she is going through a "midlife crisis", I had to suppress my laughter in a very professional way. After that conversation, I started thinking about why everyone thinks that their best days are over. I was no exception. I thought my life was going to end when I turned 30. That was the way we were conditioned. But the 30s turned out to be way better than the 20s. Now I have some clue about the person I am or I want to be. Even though I don't have the goals and milestones defined like many self-assured people, I am getting comfortable in my skin. That's a huge achievement for someone like me.

In another conversation with a friend, I heard myself say that I like being middle-aged. For me, this stage is better than all my childhood, teenage years and 20s combined. My most preferred stages are the 30s, 20s, childhood and teenage. I believe that most people become financially independent when they hit their 30s. Also, a sense of self-assurance comes with that age. Maybe that's the main reason I love being middle-aged. I am not at all afraid of owning my decisions. I am not sure if this clarity will remain there for the rest of my life. I hope it does. And has middle age started for you? If so, how is it treating you?




Written by Chembarathi

Late diagnosed Autistic Person ~ In search of the stories I cannot hold in my heart

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